December 13, 2015 - Absent is the excuse to choose the timing

The lyric has captured my heart this morning.

All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your voice and with us sing, Oh, praise Him, Oh, praise Him, Alleluia.

Nowhere in the verses did it say if your circumstance allows. Nowhere in the verse did it say, if you get good news.

Thou burning sun with golden beam, Thou silver moon with softer gleam, Oh, praise Him, Oh, praise Him, Alleluia
I see not, if you have life go your way. I see not, if the blessings come at the quality and pace that we command.
Thou rushing wind that art so strong, Ye clouds that sail in heav'n along, Oh, praise Him, Oh, praise Him, Alleluia
I can’t find, when everything is happy go lucky. I can’t find, on the days when the plan unfolds exactly as planned.
Thou rising moon in praise rejoice, Ye lights of evening find a voice, Oh, praise Him, Oh, praise Him, Alleluia
Gone is the verse of, when you feel like it. Gone is the verse of, if the situation allows.
Let all things their creator bless, And worship Him in humbleness, Oh, praise Him, Oh, praise Him, Alleluia
Absent is the excuse to choose the timing. Absent is the excuse to insert self-pride.

Praise, praise the Father praise the Son, And praise the Spirit three in one, Oh, praise Him, Oh, praise Him, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Present is the delight in the promise of his plan!  Present is the sting that we live in a fallen world but delight in the restoration of Christ! How can we not sing his praises as we enter this Christmas season and see He came, he died, and he rose to provide restoration and purpose in any circumstance! What rejuvenation it brings when the sting of life finds your doorstep, that the sting is temporary, and that the sting refocuses life around you.  If you don’t know the song, “All creatures of our God and King”, you know not what you miss. Promise me you will listen to it once at the link below.  Let the lyrics and melody fill your soul with purpose in hardship. With thankfulness in calm. It can bring back focus as it did me today that He Rules the World with Truth and Grace! Dare me to break out another song that rings truth, I’m on fire! (You can blame church this morning.)
It suddenly just clicks as my emotions slip from the forefront to the back. There are certainly more dire trials to face. Ask the unwanted. Ask the unloved. Ask those who face each day simply in search of purpose other than to find their next meal. Ask those that society has forgotten. Ask those whom this life has abandoned. Those are the circumstances worth mourning. I’m surrounded by desire. I am surrounded by love. Purpose is in my clutch therefore making anything this fallen world can bring me, worthy as a reminder of His saving grace. Our circumstances don't change His truth.

I still know not my pulmonary fate. The doctors are still discussing. The tests still to be revealed. We have brought in my radiation oncologist to help delineate the fibrosis location in relation to lung fields. And still, I wait. BUT TODAY (and hopefully lasting longer than today), I wait without fear and dismay.  Oh, praise Him, Oh, praise Him
link (except when I hear it in my head it is the old hymnal version): David Crowder - All Creatures of our God and King

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scott and I are praying for you, Sally! Thank you for sharing what's going on and allowing us to see the Lord at work in your heart as you navigate through all of this. Sending hugs and lots of prayer!! Kristen Thompson