April 10, 2014 - Just Like hunting Easter eggs, huh?

I made a mistake of doing research. WHY in the world did I go and do that!?! I always want to tell people “get educated, be your own advocate, ask questions”, but boy did that backfire on me again. I went and read up on lipomodeling. I saw images of lipomodeling. I now don’t think I want to go through lipomodeling. I recall I made this very mistake back before signing up for the mastectomy. Late one night while visiting my sister, I stayed up until like 3 in the morning researching images of mastectomy scarring. Those images of early day mastectomy haunt me to this day. That whole night haunts me to this day. Well, you would think I had learned my lesson with that tragic internet inquiry. But noooo, my curiosity got the best of me, and I searched out information to be a little better informed. Well let me just say…the thought of a suction tube being shoved in and out of my skin to retrieve and then deposit fat into my breast envelop to lessen the “thinning” risk over the implant has got me all freaked out. I lie in bed at night and see the image of pinching an inch, inserting a suction tube…..ahhhhhhh!!! Serenity now, my friend! Are you telling me that some people do this on purpose all for the sake of beauty? Surely they had no idea what was going to be happening to them. Surely they didn’t just elect to do this on purpose. And on top of that you get to syringe it with a long needle into your boob in just the right places to provide tissue for blood flow. Why can’t I just go into things blindly, huh? Why do I always have to know? I always have to overachieve. And it keeps backfiring on me. What was “no anxiety at all” is now a tad bit (a big bit) of mental discomfort. If you are out there and have had this done, I’m more than happy to have you tell me this is a piece of cake. No more effort than going out to hunt Easter eggs on a nice spring day with trees blossoming all around in the background all while you swish your crisp yellow Easter dress as you stroll through the field and at most having to exert a little energy to stoop down to pluck the tie-dye egg out of the lush green turf. Instantly, you rise back up with a great big smile on your face in recognition of the luck of your find and immediately forget you had to exert a little effort to stoop down to begin with. Mercy me.


Anonymous said...

Step away from the computer. Step away from the computer!!

Nancy O'Melia

Anonymous said...

Reading that made my legs go weak....(hilarious though. HILARIOUS!!)

Jennifer Page

Sally McCollum said...

I'm done, Nancy. No worries there at all!!! I will never ever look anything up again. Not even how to make cheesecake.

Sally McCollum said...

Jennifer Page yep, I'm walking that fine line been hilarious and idiotic.

Anonymous said...

Uh...I think cheesecake is safe...and (unfortunately) I am no help in the "back off research" department. I am blessed with physicians who are aware of my Ph.D. in Google Medicine and allow me to bring my checklists and are willing to partner with me in ruling stuff out (within reason). Neuropathy offers all kinds of bunny trails (get it? you referenced bunnies?) so there have been some interesting possibilities. I vote "breathe...and trust any professionals who have thus far proved competent, knowledgeable and capable." And we will cover you with (more) prayer! Got your back....or your boobs! OK...that sounded creepy. LOL!!

Kat Tinsley

Sally McCollum said...

Kat Tinsley, adore the bunny reference. I absolutely know it's the right thing to do (have the procedure), but i wish i had never seen the pictures of how they do it! At least i will be asleep. Saving Grace. But no i instead why they said to expect pain for some time afterwards. Ron is going to hate that car ride home with me.

Anonymous said...

And if Ron ever needs a sub, I'm your girl!

Kat Tinsley