Sept 28, 2012 - Day # 51 - Raise the chop stick and plunge in the sauce

Day 51:  I MADE IT! It is Friday! I am all in one piece. No worse for wear and tear (mostly) and not only is it Friday, it was one of the most productive days I have in quite some time! I’m probably over excited about that. Most of my team was out of the office today so I piled myself in my desk space, threw off the shoes, put on the head phones and marked check after check after check on the to-do list. I really do think I tackled more in that 9 hours than I have in the last week as a whole. I love the feeling of accomplished. And because I was in my own world and not being pulled in 100 directions with meetings and such, I was peaceful.  Job well done, God.  Top it off with a spectacular sighting on my way home from work. This enormous mutt hanging not out the window of his owner’s car, but out the SUNROOF! Is there anything better than that? That’s the life. A dog that makes the most of his opportunities, throws caution to the wind, and goes for the big prize. A panoramic view of just about anything! I was itching to get my hands into his fur. How can a grin not flood my face! You all know I love me a big dog gallivanting about as if he hasn’t a care in the world.
And to add to my productive Friday reward, Ron emailed me earlier today to see if I wanted to go to the pumpkin patch, pick out pumpkins, and make jack-o-lanterns this weekend. First, let me say I was floored as Ron isn’t really a make jack-o-lanterns kind of guy. Second, let me say I am super silly over the top excited! I imagine I am far from the Rembrandts or Monet’s of lantern design or carve (currently, I am one of the clumsiest people you will ever meet. Insert knife slip, loss of fingers and yet another plastic surgery visit), nor can I see me really even knowing what to do with it.  Most likely the result will be Picasso style with a nose on top of the head and an ear down in the belly, but gosh darn it I will be carving some lanterns all the same. Really, of all the things he could have asked me I never would have guess this. I love when he catches me off guard. So there is my Sunday. Sleep in, group bible study, date afternoon with the boy, and pumpkin picking I shall go! If you are super nice, I just might post some pictures of the delightful (or maybe frightful) outcome.
Want to know what else lies in store for me this weekend? Huh, do ya? Some very much needed sleep. A conference call on Saturday (I know, on a Saturday!) followed by a potluck dinner with some old friends Saturday night. I, well most likely we because of the impostor limitations, will be putting on the chef hat and whipping up some smack your momma delicious lasagna. Ron may be biased but he says I make some of the best lasagna he has every tantalized his taste buds with. Don’t forget the pumpkin picking on Sunday. And tonight…little white boxes of Chinese takeout!!!! Really, I know most people do not find excitement in that, but I actually adore seeing scenes in a movie where the table is littered with petite little cubes of white flip top boxes. It’s truly a sign of a good night with friends, watching a movie in your PJs and a person with difficulty making menu decisions (Otherwise they would just have one box). I truly relate very nicely to all three of those things. So Ron and I will pull out the most comfy PJs we own, thrown in a flick, and pull out the chop sticks. For the record, I also like the same scene with pizza boxes for most of the same reason. I feel a bit younger with opening a flip box.
Hope got me through the hectic of the week and now I get to recoup the mind, body, and soul for a weekend.  I welcome it. I embrace it. And I shall celebrate it with a raise of the chop stick and a plunge in the soy sauce. Note to self: must keep boob out of the hot and sour soup bowl. (see previous post)

1 comment:

Sally McCollum said...

I agree. A coffee table littered with Chinese take-out boxes, pjs, and a movie, sounds like a delightful Friday evening!

Kelly O.