Sept 26, 2012 - Day # 49 - Can't I take a toy truck instead?

Day 49: It must be my day today. Not only did I get a new mattress delivered to my house, I got what I am daring to call good news from Lead Plastic Surgeon. With a smile induced twinkle in his eye, "Sally, it's not worse, it may possibly be a little better!" Even I could see the relief on his face and the four other people he brought in the room for show and tell. I much prefer a barbie or toy truck to take to such events, but all I had were two boobs for the show. Evidently, I've been a teaching point for his resident and fellow and nurse, so they all purchased a ticket and came for the show. I really should get some money from that, don't you think? He feels like at the very least the spot has plateaued and very possibly a tad better, In his mind, because it isn't worse that means better and that put some spunk in both of our steps. I will take it, put a feather in my hat, and go on my merry way!  Sort of...I'm certainly not out of the woods, but there is a clearing on the map and surely with all of this prayer coverage I will be basking in the sun soon! He is really hopeful that last week was my low point.

Where does that leave me? I'm so glad you asked. More of the same. Wet to dry dressings, but he did lift some of the arm restrictions (which I celebrated by hopping on the tred mill to burn off some of this stress from last week). He did comment on the amount of lingering swelling for both impostors and even had the nerve to ask me if I had noticed that. How in the world could I not have noticed that?!?! Anyway, it is what it is, and I get to decide if I go back to see him next Wednesday, as in if it worsens I go. Otherwise, I see him no matter what in two weeks for yet another show and tell. This time, I'm taking a stuffed Tigger.

Same, maybe a smidge better. Call me content.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful ...... you may not be out of the woods yet but you certainly came around a big tree. Giving thanks!

Polly Morgan

Anonymous said...

Waaa....Hooooooooooo. Ha! Go God!! Alright, not out of the woods but not lost in them either :) Praises. Praises. Praises.

Amy Stocki

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! We'll all be praying you out of the woods :D

Sabrina Kloehn

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear this!! I will continue to pray. Thanks for always giving me a good laugh with your updates. :)

Kelly O'Melia

Anonymous said...

Whoop, woop, happy dance, woop, woop, happy dance!

Content Truelove

Anonymous said...

Take all the good news any way you can get it! Thank God for a happy show and tell!

Kat Tinsley