Sept 18, 2012 - Day # 41 - Stubborn

Day 41: Quick wound update. The darn thing is digging in its heals! I think it actually may have surpassed me in stubborness (definitely in stamina). It has increased in size a tad as well as looking a bit more angry. I have no idea what options are available. Any ole wound you usually wait it out. But no healing in a week? I'm skeptical. At least it is still rather small. I am able to feel it now. Grrr. Lead surgeon- If he can fabricate a boob with his bare hands, surely a wound is no challenge at all. Right?

So can you pray for this one last known hurdle? Ok, well that and his best friend, the pectoral muscle, that stays all cramped up and super uncomfortable. And then there is my aching back. And stamina. And clinic tomorrow. I also haven't looked in the mirror again while we are mentioning things. Did I turn Eighty over night????

Well, so maybe just a few more hurdles....


Anonymous said...

Sally, I'm praying that God would give you peace and endurance as you continue healing. I'm praying that this spot would skedaddle and that there would be no future hurdles in your recovery. I can't imagine how truly difficult this journey has been for you. And remember, when it all becomes too much, pile every struggle, worry, and discomfort high in God's arms. Imagine yourself lifting each burden so heavy and turning it over to Him. He can handle it. He wants to carry your burdens for you. He wants to give you peace that passes all understanding.

Kelly O'Melia

Anonymous said...

Lifting up special Sally and 'spot be gone' prayers. God has got this !

Sabrina Lai Kloehn